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We provide access to critical screening for women who are about to conceive, ensuring they are fit mentally, emotionally and physically.

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We provide enhance emotional and mental support for pregnant women with empathy, helping them identify the triggers of depression and anxiety during pregnancy and when to seek care. 

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We provide postpartum care through psycho-educational classes, breastfeeding support care, specific practical advice about the management of infant sleep, crying and feeding. 

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The right kind of support system is important during and after pregnancy that’s why we provide our clients with trained and clinically screened nannies to ensure adequate support for you.

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For women who have issues with conception, fear of pregnancy, breastfeeding and infancy, we offer counselling sessions to help them gain clarity and understanding about these issues, proffering simple and effective solutions for them. This service also comes with meal preps for you and your infant.

Copyright 2020. Miked Child Care and Maternal Centre.